The Potters House Fellowship

The Potters House fellowship Fremantle is christian pentecostal (evangelist) church and community of born-again christians; a branch of the larger Potters House congregation, started by Wayman Mitchell in 1970 in Prescott, Arizona.Due to disagreements concerning the Training of future Pastors Mitchell segregated from the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel and quickly began to amass a large following that has steadily risen up to todays’ 1,716 churches in 110 nationsI throughout the world.

Described by many as a Cult or Sect it is in my opinion still questionable whether these terms and analysis methods such as the BITE model are sufficient for a critique that seeks to contextualize Religion,Christianity and its community modi within Capitalism and Ideology.

The Fremantle ‘fellowship’ is a small,multicultural and devout community led by pastor Glenn Anderson who was previously pastor at the South-Western Australian Geraldton ‘fellowship’.Speaking in Tongues,Witnessing (miracles and conversions),Street Preaching and Establishing Missions in ‘3rd ‘ world countries are some of the tasks and duties of the Potters House Fellowship members who are drawn into the group by the these activities and hereby act as multipliers. Depending on the members’ Gender and age-group Creche,Leisure,’Study’,Drama or Musical activities are on offer by the Fellowship and help to incorporate isolated members of the fellowship and enable further conditioning.

 But it is not my intention to categorise religion into moderate (good) and fundamentalist/cultist (bad) as it is religion and belief itself which has to be analysed as an ‘inverted consciousness of the world’- using text and image.


I. Upstairs and Roof

If in all ideology men and their circumstances appear upside-down as in a camera obscura, this phenomenon arises just as much from their historical life-process as the inversion of objects on the retina does from their physical life-process.

                                                                   -Karl Marx

I” am in the place from which a voice is heard clamouring “the universe is a defect in the purity of Non-being.” And not without reason, for by protecting itself, this place makes Be-ing itself languish. This place is called jouissance and it is the absence of this that makes the universe vain

                                                                  -Jaques Lacan

II.Basement and Storage

The domination of the thing over man, of dead over living labour, of the product over the producer…at the level of production…we find the same relationship as obtains at the level of ideology, in religion: the subject is transformed into object and vice versa…

                                                                      -Karl Marx

Objects inscribed with their own histories and becomings -Documents.Subject to document.Witnessing entails the communication of a story of being born again,a miracle,a healing or overcoming evil in one’s life.Hereby each person itself is a document inscribed with the narrative and dependencies of the community and the respective families.

III.Garden and Street

The Emerald Cockroach Wasp is mostly native to the Pacific islands and Southeastern Asia, and it’s unique in that it is a brightly coloured, solitary wasp with a complex, paralytic venom.When it comes time for the female wasp to lay her eggs, she seeks out a cockroach and stings it in a precise spot in its nerve cell tissue to paralyze its front legs, then stings it the thorax region to disable the escape reflex. She then chews off half the roach’s antennae, and uses the stubs to lead the zombified roach around like a dog on a leash until they reach her burrow where she lays her eggs in its stomach, and buries it alive. The lobotomized roach then rests paralyzed whilst the larvae Inside of it hatches, and proceeds to systematically eat the roach’s internal organs in a specific order that keeps it alive until the very end, at which point the hatched wasp finishes hollowing out the shell and emerges from the burrow.

Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is indeed man’s self-consciousness and self-awareness so long as he has not found himself or has already lost himself again. But, man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, it enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realisation of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”

                                                                    -Karl Marx

2 Responses to “The Potters House Fellowship”
  1. Sosene Paolo says:

    Man does certainly make religion, i agree, but there is a God who has made man. We are a project made for a purpose and that is for service and ‘fellowship’ with the Master Craftsman who created us. Just as a carpenter that makes a house to live in and enjoy its comfort and shelter. (Though God Himself does not depend on us but us towards Him)
    It explains why even this English we speak and many other languages are not original but derived from Hebrew which was the old Bible language used plus if studied carefully, gives a more prompt explanation to every word we speak. Yet sadly, however, man try to explain (in English,etc) the meaning of life in their own perspective and own understanding and try to live a life the has purpose. The rate of suicides in Australia has escalated rapidly over the years but yet since 2010 to 2011, there are more millionnaires in the country.
    ‘Born again’ Christianity is not a religion but a healthy relationship with the God who created mankind as a Father to a Child, Master to a Servant, Friends, etc.
    The Potters House ‘Fellowship’ offers insight to a God who understands us and who wants to give man a hope and future.
    God bless you.

  2. Andy I says:

    I have been a member of the Fremantle Potters House since march 1983.

    In 1983, I was a 20 year old with some real bad attitudes and a rebellious mindset and cared about nobody except for myself. Until that day when some members of the Perth Potters House told me about the life changing power of Jesus Christ and how God had a plan and purpose for my life.

    Soon after, I bowed my knee to Jesus, ask him to forgive me of my sins and take control of my life. I did not give my life to an organisation but to Jesus and he has continue to reveal Himself to me and strengthen me by His love and grace for the past 29 years. God has been involved in our church, changing lives, freeing people from lives of addiction, hopelessness and despair.

    My wife was also invited to the church in March of 1983 when she was 13 years old, at the time she was suffering from depression and having thoughts of self harm. When she heard the story of other changed lives in the church assembly she cried out to God and her life was also miraculously transformed. She is the most stable and loving person who I know and we have now been married for 25 years.

    God has blessed us with four wonderful children, one is now married and the other three are teenagers. None of our children have touched drugs or even had an alcoholic drink and our married daughter first kissed her husband at their wedding. This is not because who we are but what God has done in their lives through the ministry of his word and the fellowship of his people.

    The Fremantle Potters House is what God used to bring my wife, children and myself into relationship with himself and continues to encourage us to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

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